Golden Guernsey Goat Trail Auction
We are delighted to say we raised an incredible £65,703.00 at the Goat Auction, which exceeded our expectations.
The auction took place at St Pierre Park Hotel on the 16th September. We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who came to the auction and made it such an exciting evening, and many thanks to John Burley who was such a great auctioneer. He helped raise this incredible sum for both Autism Guernsey and the Guernsey Adult Literacy Project (GALP).
And thank you to all the businesses, sponsors, artists and volunteers who made the Goat Trail such as a success; and to everyone who has shown their support.
We will soon be printing a 2022 Goat Calendar. We are asking people to submit 1 or 2 of their favourite photos of the goats via email, by the 30th September 2021. Whilst we cannot guarantee that all the photos will be used in the calendar we will try and use as many as possible. Please send you photos to
We hope you have enjoyed the 2021 Goat Trail as much as we have.