We've shared over 20 educational articles (not including general news) on the Autism Guernsey blog this year. In case you missed any, there's a round-up below, with articles grouped together by category.
Due to staff annual leave and other capacity challenges, it is unlikely there will be new content on the blog between now and the end of 2024, so in the meantime, please enjoy our 2024 archive. Feel free to share anything you read on social media (and remember to tag us!)
How Social Scripts Can Help Autistic Adults in the Workplace
The Benefits of Autism Awareness Training for Your Workplace
Neuro… What Now? (A Short Guide to Neurodiversity Terminology)
Supporting Autistic Colleagues and Customers: Communication and Sensory Considerations
Thinking About Introducing "Quiet Hours" at Your Shop? Here Are Some Suggestions...
Six Simple Workplace Adjustments to Support Autistic Employees
Health and Wellbeing
Please leave a comment if there are topics you'd like us to cover next year, or contact our Education Manager if you'd like to write a guest post for us.
Thank you, and, is it too soon to say "happy new year"?!