This event is now sold out, but a second date has been announced. More details here.
Upcoming Event
Our Education Manager, Martine Ellis, will be delivering a talk at the Guille-Allès Library to mark the start of World Autism Acceptance Week.
The details of the talk are below:
Date: Tuesday 2 April 2024
Time: 17.30 - 18.30
Location: Hayard Room, Guille-Allès Library
Booking: via Eventbrite
Additional information:
Join us in the Hayward Room on the second floor of the Guille-Allès Library, as local writer and educator Martine Ellis shares her story of career change and burnout through the lens of autism.
Martine was diagnosed with autism at 43 – at that point, she'd already had a successful career in finance and was working in a leadership role in education while studying for a masters. Her story challenges autistic stereotypes and shares the reality of masking, the exhaustion it brings, and the liberation found in understanding her needs.
This talk isn't just about autism; it's an invitation to see beyond appearances, to understand the importance of wellbeing in our lives and workplaces, and to embrace diversity.
Whether seeking insights into neurodiversity or interested in personal transformation, Martine's journey offers valuable lessons and inspiration for all.