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External Resources

Guille Alles Library Logo

5 Books for Understanding Autism

Guille-Allès Library suggests 5 books for understanding autism as part of World Autism Acceptance Week.

How do you cope podcast logo

Chris Packham Podcast - 'My autism is a gift' (podcast)

Elis and John talk to TV presenter Chris Packham about how he copes living with autism and how it's impacted his life.

Chris Packham Photo

Chris Packham: University Life with Autism (video)

University of Lincoln Visiting Professor Chris Packham shares his experience and tips for university students with autism or Asperger’s.


EaseeDo (website)

A tool that helps individuals, and their support network, who need assistance with executive function skills.

1800 Seconds on Autism podcast logo

Is my dog autistic? (podcast)

Chris Packham shares how his latest documentary has changed his perspective.


Loop Engage Kids Ear Plugs (product)

The world is full of big sounds: from noisy classrooms to birthday parties, busy households to playgrounds. Engage Kids ear plugs could help.


Samaritans - Online Chat

The Samaritans are running a pilot where their services are available via an online chat system.  Currently not always available but it is hoped to be rolled out further in the future.


There's no one way to be autistic (video)

In this beautiful animation, author Sara Gibbs shares how being diagnosed with autism as an adult changed her relationship with herself.

Ladies waving pom-poms - fundraising for world autism acceptance week

World Autism Acceptance Week

Information, resources, and video clips from the National Autistic Society related to World Autism Acceptance Week 2023.

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